Friday, March 20, 2015

I'm writing a blog to share wisdom, insights and thoughts that are out of the box.

As a Realtor, I live firmly within the box. I'm a clear, quick communicator, highly responsive, quite proactive and hyper-vigilllant to my clients needs as I move steadily toward meeting their goals.

My blog addresses more personal strengths, with me engaging in reflection generally in response to some stimuli or another.

I consider myself a Seeker, a mystic of sorts. One who meditates and communes with my Creator, in effort to rise above the many topics of the mind to the ultimate Union with my Source.

One will see, as I continue, that I refer to God in this way...Creator or Beloved. Nothing more. Nothing less. Yet all there is.

It is so freeing to have a place of expression such as this. Rather than live alone with my thoughts.

Some may have to stretch their limits, as I muse over ideas that have been brought to me that I would not normally consider as my own. Yet since there is no separation in all that is, I must acknowledge all as being valid and present. Worth at least brief consideration.

I do hope you enjoy what you read here. May it give you pause. Something to consider. Possibly a key to your own freedom.

You are your primary responsibility. Be present. Be vigilent. Be well.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sprit Animals...

I'm reflecting on my recent realization that my spirit animals are the hawk and the horse.

It is the horse that I have inhabited for most of these years. A service animal for the most part.

Always serving others, with love and egarness. Carrying the heavy loads. Being strong, standing tall, pushing through adversity, carrying whomever needed to ride from weak ones to warriors.

Sometimes running races, competing against myself as I push toward personal or professional goals.

Other times, running free on the beach, snorting and splashing in the surf with the wind in my face engaging in the only sense of freedom I had ever known.

Today, while I see the nobility in the horse, I embrace the hawk.
One serves God, the other lives in conscious union with God.

Flying over all of creation, riding on the wind rather than running against it.

I have never been earthbound, grounded one might say. I have always preferred to soar.

I never realized my options and choices. Now I know.

This is such a new awareness.

Something I truly never considered, something I never knew.

In considering this new information I can see I have a choice in each moment, each interaction, to be one or the other.

While I embrace both the hawk and the horse, in an effort to strive for balance it is definitely time to inhabit the hawk.

I fly in my meditations, high, far and effortlessly. I can see forever.

I love the fierce mind of the hawk and the fierce heart of the horse.

It is something I have always known: true freedom comes from knowing who and what you are. Freedom is behaving in a way true to your nature.

Today I know I am both horse and hawk. There is magnificence in the fullness of each expression.

I suspect, in the past, I believed it was not compassionate to inhabit the hawk.

Hawks are edgy except when they are flying or waiting. Their eyes are sharp and cutting. They hunt. They are fast and successful in the hunt. They are highly focused on meeting their own needs.

They don't have to think about it.

Meeting their own needs comes natural to them. They need no one nor anything to give them purpose. Their life is their purpose.

The horse needs companions, to serve, to guide them to give them purpose. I have been a horse...or appeared to be a horse..for far too long. Leaning too far in one direction.

Its my time now. To fly. To use my mind. To hunt my prey. To make living fully be my purpose, my life. To be fierce, fearless & full of efficient, successful confidence. Confident of my own success in my all my movements.

The flight of the hawk is equally as noble as the strength and tenacity of the horse. Both are quite beautiful. Both are completely worthy.

The red tail hawk and the sorral aribian with the strawberry blond mane.